
Tricky Words

Who has been to a library and bought a book? Well, if you are a Spaniard learning English you probably have.

False friends or cognates are English words that look or sound similar to a Spanish word but have a totally different meaning. Here are some examples of false cognates:

Which false friend/s have you used again and again? Do you have an anecdote involving a false friend?


  1. There are two false friends that crosses my mind right now :

    "preservative" : It's is a substance that is used for keeping food, etc. in good condition (conservante). In Spanish "preservativo" (condom).

    "constipated" : Not able to empty waste from your body (estreñido). In Spanish "constipado" (to have a cold).

  2. Another classic is: 'She's very happy because she's embarrassed. She's going to have a baby in June!'

  3. Sometimes I make a mess with sensitive (sensible) and sensible (sensato) because we use them also in Spanish. Normally I have stop to think about it!
