

Here you can find a long list of English sayings: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/proverbs.html.I really like the one that says "Home is where the heart is".
Feel free to comment on any you like in particular.


  1. I feel really identified with the proverb “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. All that you want requires your effort to get it. Sometimes you feel depressed when you are aware of how away something is, but while you are feeling sorry you are also losing time to get there. One step more means one step less, so if you are walking, the aim will be nearer. The most important point is to keep one's spirit up.

  2. Gustavo,
    The proverb you chose has something in common with the following quote by Winston Churchill:
    "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

  3. After I've read the list there are a few that I like, but my favourite is "Tomorrow is another day".

    Always when anything happens, can be good or can be bad, but always you have to go on with your life. And it's much better if you have learn about happens yourself, because tomorrow is another day.

  4. I have chosen a saying that i read time ago in a t-shirt: "Life is too short for bad music".

    I like this saying because i think music is very important in our lives and sometimes when we are sad or disappointed we can feel better if we listen to some music. I think the meaning of this saying is similar to "Carpe Diem", enjoy everyday.

  5. I like several English sayings. One example would be "Actions speak louder than words".
    What you do is more important than what you say. Don't tell people how to do something, show them. You can communicate better with an action than with your words.
    This proverb is similar with the quote by Benjamín Franklin "Well done is better than well said".

  6. I like "Every cloud has a silver lining" because sometimes we aren't capable of seeing the positive side of something that seems "bad" to us.
