
Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated in the UK in October, and in the USA and Canada during February, and its main aim is to help others appreciate Black people, culture and historical events.

http://www.africanamericanhistorymonth.gov/about.html (in the US)
http://www.africanamericanhistorymonth.gov/audio.html (videos)

Throughout time, there have been many African, African American and Caribbean people who have played an important role in creating and developing music, literature and cinema, among other forms of art.

Who comes to your mind when we talk about Black History Month?

Here’s one of my many choices:


  1. I've chosen Sydney Poitier, one of my favourites actors. He was the first black person who won an Academy Award for Best Actor in the film "Lilies of the Field" (1963). Later he performed in successful films like "In the heat of the Night", "Guess who's coming to dinner"... and so on. I enjoyed a lot watching Guess who's coming to dinner, a marvellous film which I recommend to people who have prejudices.


  2. Thank you so much for your contribution, Ana. I don't know why, but I have never seen "Guess who's coming to dinner". I'm sure it must be a wonderful film, judging by the content of the trailer you sent us, which had me hooked and thinking. Unfortunately, there is a lot of race based prejudice still nowadays. Instead of looking at differences as a way to enrich our lives we tend to fear them...

  3. In the 1960´s, a US teacher did an experiment with her class about discrimination. Please, watch the following video:


    What do you think?

  4. If I wrote all of black person's name who come to my mind, this piece of white space would become black as their skin colour. Remember black important persons in culture, sport, politic or science is something really easy because their contribution to our world is as important as other race people. Anyway, I think discrimination will not exist the day when you think about contribution of scientist, musicians, politicians to our world not to seeing the colour of their skin. If we teach it to our children the day dreamed by Martin Luther King will come in a few years. Currently, festivities like this are still necessary, but I hope in some years time its meaning aren't be a claim, but a reminder of our mistakes in the past to show us the correct way to get the iquality apart from your race, religion or political thoughts.
    Finally If I had to choose a name I would like to highlight how Madela changed his country using, for example, the power of sport. I would recommend you to watch “Invictus”, a recent film that shows you how sport can break strong barriers between races.

  5. Gustavo,

    I agree with you on the idea that discrimination won’t exist once we don’t make distinctions between Black or White scientists, for example. But I still think it is a good idea to celebrate Black History Month as well as to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, among others, because it is a way to make citizens remember that, in the 21st century, cultures go hand in hand together, no matter how much some try to make culture a private element.
