

Any interesting video, article or even website you came across while surfing the net? Go ahead and send us a link to it!



Here's a brief account of the year from the New York Times:


Would you add any other image to that set? Which one? Why?


The importance of sport

This year, Queen Elizabeth has highlighted the importance of sport in her Christmas message:

How important do you think sport is? Can sport really help people build a community?


What’s in the News?

I read Spanish, British, and American newspapers almost every day, and I must admit I’m a little bored of what I can find in them. It seems all we readers get to know is bad news. I wonder if there is no good news to report.
I can think of different news items I’d love to read in newspapers sometime. Here’s one of them:
Think of others’ Day proven effective
What headline or piece of news would you like to come across in newspapers any time soon?
Here’s a link you might want to use in order to write your headline:
If you feel brave enough as to write a short piece of news, here are a couple of links that might help you structure your short article:


On the existence of Santa Claus

Hope you enjoy this read:

Special thanks to Timmy Denny, who kindly shared this link with us.
Any comments welcome.


A word I like

I like the word 'happenstance' (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/british/happenstance) . I like many other words too, but I've chosen this word today because I don't think we have an exact Spanish equivalent, and trying to find it has me thinking a lot. Also, this was the word that they used to translate the name of a French film (Le battement d'ailes du papillon (2000) that you should not miss.

Tell us about a word you like, not necessarily an English word.